Author's Posts

  • Editors resolve 274 complaints under the ‘Right of Reply’ option

    Editors resolve 274 complaints under the ‘Right of Reply’ option2

    National newspaper Editors resolved 243 complaints made directly to them by aggrieved readers in 2018 and 31 complaints with the involvement of the Press Complaints Commission of Sri Lanka (PCCSL). During the year under review, the PCCSL received 79 complaints from the public, of which 19 were outside its scope. The complaints resolved by the

  • Eminent QC appointed as IPSO Chairman0

    Edward Faulks QC, Lord Faulks, has been appointed as the Chairman of the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), with effect from January 01, 2020, the IPSO Appointments Panel has announced. Edward Faulks has a long career as a barrister specialising in claims arising from the Human Rights Act, professional and clinical negligence, personal injury, education,

  • IPSO publishes new guidance on reporting of major incidents1

    Based on the Editors’ Code of Practice, the guidance covers three key areas – the reporting of breaking news, the immediate aftermath of the incident and anniversaries − outlining key questions for journalists to consider and highlighting useful case studies. The guidance is accompanied by new information for the public on what to expect from

  • Google wins landmark right to be forgotten case0

    The EU’s top court has ruled that Google does not have to apply the right to be forgotten globally. It means the firm only needs to remove links from its search results in Europe – and not elsewhere – after receiving an appropriate request. The ruling stems from a dispute between Google and a French


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